NICE has signed on to the Call to Defend Democracy, Equity and Cross-Cultural Dialogue from the International Confederation of Arthouse Cinemas – CICAE.
The full statement can be read and signed by any organization or individual in film exhibition here.
“In the face of rising anti-democratic sentiments, of populism and polarization, of increasing violence and prejudice against minorities, dissidents, and film- and culture-professionals, we – the global arthouse movement – stand united in our commitment to defend the ideals of a free and open society and of respectful dialogue across borders and cultures.”
“As independent cinemas, we – together with our multifaceted audiences across the world – work daily to shine a light on democracy, diversity, and liberty. We stand firmly with those whose voices are being silenced, anytime, anywhere.”
“Arthouse cinemas have long been, and will remain, portals into worlds beyond our own. Serving as essential cultural hubs in their local communities, they provide a unique space for discovery, opening windows to new stories, perspectives, and encounters.”