NICE supports the sale of alcohol in BC movie theatres

NICE supports the sale of alcohol in BC movie theatres

NICE is proud to support a request to the BC Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Honourable Minister Farnworth, to allow the purchase and consumption of beer and wine within movie theatres with mixed ages in attendance.

Below is our message to the Minister:

July 29, 2024

Attention: Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General 

Honourable Minister Farnworth,

The Network of Independent Canadian Exhibitors (NICE) joins the Movie Theatre Association of Canada (MTAC) in its efforts to request a policy change allowing the sale of alcohol in British Columbia (BC) movie theatres with mixed ages in attendance.

NICE is the industry body for independent movie theatres across Canada. Independent movie theatres are small businesses with loyal audiences, run by committed individuals who have a passion for bringing people together and creating community.

When BC movie theatres were able to reopen following the closures due to COVID-19, they were thrilled by the outpouring of support they received from their communities. To further their success, NICE supports policy changes that generate revenue and align with audience expectations.

Currently, BC is the only province in Canada that prohibits the purchase and consumption of beer and wine within movie theatres with mixed ages in attendance.

Making this change would incentivize higher movie theatre attendance and provide these small BC businesses with additional revenue streams to aid their post-pandemic recovery.

This is also a policy change that would directly benefit constituents across BC, allowing them the same entertainment experience that audiences across Canada already have.

Thank you for your time and we would be happy to discuss this in further detail.Thank you for your time and we would be happy to discuss this in further detail.

Sonya William
Director, Network of Independent Canadian Exhibitors (NICE)

(Pictured: A pleasant crowd in the lobby cafe/bar of Cinéma Moderne in Montréal, Québec.)